Friday, July 6, 2007

Life is Longterm

Life is long term in the sense that what we do today has a long way to affect how our future would be. A lot of people just think short term just because they do not see the end in view. they do things just because of the present gain and they do not think of how today's decision can affect tomorrow's events.
Even if the decision you make does not pay in the short term, its like an investment for the future. A very good example is the relationships we have. A lot of people can't keep relationships for long because they only think of what they can gain presently and once that is achieved, they move on to look out for another one and most times looking for how to be the only to gain, that in a way being a parasite.
The gain is supposed to be in both ways and not one-sided.
Always think long term, because it pays before you know it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What's on a guys heart ?

Someone saw my blog and asked " what's on a guys heart ? and i said hmm thats a topic u know ! so i decided to put this up.

so what do think? ...

just as it is natural for man to breathe, it is also natural for man to think. As important as thinking is what our thought is filled with is most important. A goodnew is we can take control of what we thnk of.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Work in Progress

Thanks for visiting this blog.
WoRk Is iN pRoGrEsS.